Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What Obama Means To Me

New from the author of The N Word, Jabari Asim brings us another thought-provoking observation on culture and our society.

What Obama Means
...for Our Culture, Our Politics, Our Future

by Jabari Asim

"This is our moment. This is our time," Barack Obama declared in his victory speech on November 4, 2008. Such a moment is an opportunity to explore who we are, where we've been, and what the emergence of a leader like Obama can tell us about our culture, our politics, and our future. In What Obama Means, Jabari Asim, author of the acclaimed The N Word, provides the context needed to understand what the Obama presidency means to Americans of all backgrounds." -What Obama Means

On the morning of the inauguration it was snowing here in Chicago. The snow flakes were so crisp and white, not that they aren't usually, it's just that they seemed to be beaming with a spectacular brightness never before seen. I watched as they lightly, gently trickled down from the heavens, and blanketed the rooftops. The air was different. It was almost as if I could breathe a little better. And though I had only an hour before having to leave for work, I made myself a breakfast of champions. I mean I scrambled eggs, fried turkey bacon, made waffles and prepared my favorite green tea. This was my time for reflection and celebration.

The title of the book, "What Obama Means," got me to thinking about what our new president really means to me. Among so many other positive things, President Barack Obama means peace, courage, strength, leadership and great love. Forest Whitaker said it best this morning on Oprah. He said, "I feel like I've walked into a new age. I feel like I've walked into a new time." I am experiencing an awakening in this new era of Obama- what a feeling!

I have always held dear to my heart the call to give freely to others. Some years ago, I made a commitment to be a force in the world and joined Women for Women International as a sponsor to destitute women living in the Congo. Early last year, due to a matter of ill circumstance in my life, I faltered on that commitment. But yesterday, while driving to work, tears streaming down my cheeks as I listened to Aretha Franklin sing, "My Country Tis A Thee," I renewed my promise to be of service to humanity- be it in the form of money, information or a helping hand, it all counts.

Today, if you haven't already, I encourage you to take advantage of this magical moment happening in our time to embrace the spirit of change. Determine what causes are dear to your hearts and discover ways in which you are going to make a difference.

1 Comentário:

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Brava! Thanks for the reminder--we could all stand to think bigger and beyond ourselves.

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